Synthesio API


The Synthesio API is the programming interface to access Synthesio data. You can use the API to retrieve data from Synthesio and import them to your internal applications or other tools. This enables systems to connect to each other to provide useful information straight to your business management software.


The Synthesio API is a RESTful service hosted the on domain. All requests must be sent using HTTPS. It is built around the independent micro-services below:


In order to use the Synthesio API an application must be created. Please contact your Client Success Manager in charge of your account to request your application details. You will need to provide your company name and a valid url.

Once created, you will get the following values you MUST keep secret:

  • client_id : the application identifier
  • client_secret: the application secret key
  • scope: the scope the application is granted access for
  • grant_types : the grant type  to use that workflow


	"client_id": "clientid-9d45-3a85-b297-bc10bb45abcd",
	"client_name": "My Company",
  	"client_secret": "secret01-pass-word-1234-abcdefghijklm",
  	"client_uri": "",
  	"scope": "read", 
        "grant_types": "password",



Most requests require a valid access token for authentication. To generate an access token, you must use the Security API. To send a authenticated request, you must set a Authorization HTTP header like that 

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>